En Pointe & Just Dance offers each and every dancer a prize!! We are proud to give each female participant a beautiful charm bracelet and each male participant neck chains. The dancers will then attach their placement charms they receive at adjudication, to their bracelet or neck chain.
In addition to our unique placement charms, En Pointe & Just Dance also offers MANY awards to recognize those outstanding performances. Along with cash prizes, we also award beautiful gifts, scholarships and dance statues. Some samples of our gifts and statues are pictured below. Awards are subject to change in relation to entries received and without notice.
For more than 5 entries in the soloist categories, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons will be awarded.
En Pointe is proud to offer a trophy and Cash Award for the adjudicator choice award. En Pointe is proud to offer a prize to a classical ballet entry, a contemporary ballet entry and a pointe entry.

The adjudicator choice awards are awarded to those entries considered, by the adjudicators, to deserve special recognition. Just Dance is proud to offer one prize for each subject! That’s right…a cash prize and a trophy will be given to the most innovative jazz number of the entire weekend, to the most innovative tap number of the entire weekend, to the most innovative modern number of the entire weekend, and so on. At the final adjudication of the weekend, the adjudicator choice awards will be announced. The adjudicator choice award for the ‘Adult’ subject will receive appropriate gift certificates. Awards are subject to change in relation to entries received and without notice.
Production Overall Award
En Pointe & Just Dance are excited to reward a Cash Prize and a Dance Statue to the highest score Production entry! There must be at least three production entries in the competition for this prize to be awarded.
Runner-up Awards
En Pointe & Just Dance is also proud to recognize the 2nd place winners and 3rd place winners in each division. Medals are awarded to the soloists and duets/trios and a dance plaque to small, and large line groups.
Choreography Award
A beautiful framed print and Cash prize will be awarded to an En Pointe piece and a Just Dance piece whose choreography was exceptional.
*Please, refer to sample images for an example of prizes awarded
Special Award Certificates
Beautiful certificates are awarded by the adjudicators for each and every adjudication. The certificates are awarded to those entries that the judges feel deserve special recognition.